Programs » GATE(Gifted & Talented Program

GATE(Gifted & Talented Program

GATE Identification Process   

Identification is accomplished through a referral, screening, and assessment process consisting of the following components:

Search and Referral 

A referral for identification can be made by a teacher, parent/family member, member of the community, peer, or a student may self-nominate. Interested persons should contact the student's school of attendance and meet with the school site GATE coordinator to initiate the process. 

Students Eligible for Gifted/Talented Identification Referral:

  • Students who are enrolled in Los Angeles Unified School District schools
  • Students who are enrolled in an independent charter school authorized by LAUSD


Charter School Fee-for Service Information

  • Affiliated and authorized charter schools may request evaluations for identification of students through the Fee-for-Service process
  • Interested charter schools are to contact the Charter Schools Division for information regarding Fee-for-Service process
  • The Fee-for-Service form must be signed by the administrator before a referral can be submitted for students to be assessed

Students Ineligible for Referral for Gifted Identification:

  • Students enrolled in private schools
  • Students enrolled in independent charter schools are either outside of LAUSD boundaries or not authorized by LAUSD.
  • Students enrolled in home school programs not affiliated with the City of Angels, an independent study school for LAUSD.


The referral must be screened and the recommendation to continue the identification process must be made by school certificated personnel. Recommendations must be supported by school records. The Local School GATE Screening Committee collects data from existing sources, such as the cumulative record, standardized test scores and progress report cards. The screening process and recommendation must be documented prior to obtaining the required parent consent.

Parent Consent

A parent consent for assessment must be obtained in order for the student to participate in the assessment process.


District Assessment

Designated District staff assess or review assessment materials and determine the eligibility of students.



Identification Categories   

Gifted/Talented Programs identifies students in seven categories, as well as offers a verification of eligibility process so non-identified students can equitably access District GATE programs. For more information on the verification of eligibility process, please visit the Program Options page.

Intellectual Ability

2nd semester kindergarten and above (Students may be tested one time by and LAUSD designated GATE psychologist)
Students whose general intellectual development is markedly advanced in relation to their chronological peers. Eligible percentile rank: e.g., 95 to 99.4 (Gifted), 99.5 to 99.8 (Highly Gifted Applicable), 99.9 (Highly Gifted)
Program options for students identified in the Intellectual Ability category are the resident school GATE program, Schools for Advanced Studies (SAS), Gifted Magnets, Honors classes (middle and senior high schools), and Advanced Placement classes (high school).

High Achievement Ability 

Grade 2 only 

Students who demonstrate high achievement on a nationally standardized, norm-referenced, group administered measure of verbal and non-verbal school abilities (i.e., OLSAT-8).

Grade 5 and above (LAUSD students may be systematically identified as gifted each school year through an automated process.)
Students who demonstrate high achievement in English Language Arts and Mathematics (i.e., Smarter Balanced Assessment, District-approved standardized achievement tests, grades) for two consecutive years

Program options for students identified in the High Achievement Ability category are the resident school GATE program, Schools for Advanced Studies (SAS), Gifted Magnets, Honors classes (middle and senior high schools), and Advanced Placement classes (high school).

Specific Academic Ability

Grade 5 and above (LAUSD students may be systematically identified as gifted each school year through an automated process.)

Students who demonstrate high achievement in English Language Arts or Mathematics (i.e., Smarter Balanced Assessment, District-approved standardized achievement tests, grades) for three consecutive years

Program options for students identified in the Specific Academic Ability category are the resident school GATE program, Schools for Advanced Studies (SAS), Gifted Magnets, Honors classes (middle and senior high schools), and Advanced Placement classes (high school).


Creative Ability

Grade 2 and above 

Students who are imaginative, problem-solution oriented, producers of original thought, fluent in ideation and alternative-solution generation, have the ability to reimagine, reinvent, improve, and transform conventional thinking and products;  evidenced by student portfolio

Program options for students identified in the Creative Ability category are the resident school GATE program, Schools for Advanced Studies (SAS), Gifted Magnets, Honors classes (middle and senior high schools), and Advanced Placement classes (high school).


Leadership Ability

Grade 2 and above  

Students who are passionate about issues that affect their community and environment, influence others to work toward goals, are looked to by others for ideas and decisions, have problem-solving and decision-making skills, and show sense of purpose and direction; evidenced by student portfolio

Program options for students identified in the Intellectual Ability category are the resident school GATE program, Schools for Advanced Studies (SAS), Gifted Magnets, Honors classes (middle and senior high schools), and Advanced Placement classes (high school).

 Performing Arts Ability

Grade 2 and above

Students who originate, perform, produce, or respond at exceptionally high levels in either dance, voice, drama; evidenced by student audition

Students identified in the Performing Arts Ability category are invited to attend the Conservatory of Fine Arts and are given priority in selection.


Visual Arts Ability

Grade 2 and above

Students who originate, perform, produce, or respond at exceptionally high levels in drawing or painting; evidenced by student portfolio and demonstration

Students identified in the Visual Arts Ability category are invited to attend the Conservatory of Fine Arts and are given priority in selection.


Note: Once a student is identified as gifted in LAUSD, the student remains identified until graduation. 

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